Fuddruckers.com Web Accessibility Statement:
Fuddruckers is committed to providing the best possible Web Accessibility for our customers. We are always striving to exceed the best practices and standards outlined within Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium, commonly referred to as the WCAG 2.0 Web Accessibility guidelines.
How we make Fuddruckers.com Accessible to all of our guests:
- The website is structured so that all HTML and images are separated, allowing screen-reading software to recognize and announce the page content.
- Non-textual items are represented with proper and descriptive Alternate Text (ALT) Tags, where appropriate.
- Forms and data entry areas within the site use form control labels, titles, and proper tab-through sequencing.
- The markup languages used are structural and use proper hierarchy allowing for easier page reading by screen reading software.
- Whenever special formatting or functionality is accomplished via Style Sheets or JavaScript, the content can still render properly when this functionality is disabled via user tools, and/or alternate content is provided.
Additionally, we are providing a few shortcuts to our most important site information:
- An alphabetized listing of our locations by state is available here, including a phone number for each location: http://www.fuddruckers.com/locations/all
- An overview of our general menu is available here: http://www.fuddruckers.com/menu
- Our customer service team is available to respond to inquiries here: http://fuddruckers.guestresponse.com